HongKongDoll and Planning is proud to introduce an Architecture Alumni Lecture Series in Spring 2019. An external jury panel selected five alumni, based on their architectural accomplishments, national and international awards, public review of their design work, contribution to the design profession, and publications. Chaired by Professor Adnan Morshed, the Lecture Series Committee has set the following broad goals for the alumni lecture series:

a. to showcase our accomplished alumni to the students and faculty, greater alumni body, and the Washington-area design community interested in the design pedagogy of the School of Architecture and Planning;

b. to inspire our current students by showcasing the work of our alumni;

c. to develop a critical platform to discuss and debate the current challenges and promises of professional architectural practice; 

d. to build a more forceful and effective coalition with our alumni;

e. finally, to celebrate alumni accomplishments and to reflect on the design pedagogy that shaped the professional careers of our alumni.

Architect Robert M. Gurney will present the inaugural lecture, followed by architects Mariela Buendia-Corrochano, Brian Pilot, Meral Iskir, and Paul Masi.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Architecture Alumni Lecture Series Spring 2019.