Full-time Faculty

Part-time Faculty

Professors Emeriti

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    Stanley I. Hallet

    Professor Emeritus

    Former Dean of the School of Architecture and Planning, Stanley Ira Hallet, FAIA, is a Professor Emeritus who teaches undergraduate and graduate studios and seminars exploring the historic and contemporary relationships between culture, urban design, landscape and architecture.

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    Barry D. Yatt

    Professor Emeritus

    Barry D. Yatt, FAIA, is a former professor, associate dean for undergraduate studies and for research, founding director of the school’s graduate program in facilities management, author, publisher, and practicing architect.

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    John V. Yanik

    John V. Yanik guided our graduate students in an ingenious plan to restore and transform the old gymnasium into a new center for architectural studies and transformed into a buildable form.
  • Walter D. Ramberg

    Walter has been involved with Catholic University’s School of Architecture for over 50 years. In that time he has personally helped to form more than 1,000 students in the art, practice, and implementation of building design. With nearly 31 years of active teaching under his belt, he has left a substantial mark on Catholic University’s School of Architecture and Planning.

    Walter joined the School as a Visiting Design Critic in 1965. One of his many notable moments was delivering a lecture on “Conceptual Relationship of a Building to its Surroundings” in 1969. Through his many years here at the School, Walter has seen the program grow from a small department in the Engineering School, to its own School that teaches over 300 future architects today.  Not only has Walter watched it grow, but he has also contributed much of his time and talent to it as well.

Distinguished Visiting Faculty

The School offers students, faculty, and community the unique chance to meet, discuss, and work in close-proximity with world-renown architects while addressing issues related to the core mission of Catholic University. During their visit, these critics typically give a major public lecture, direct a design studio workshop, interface with students and faculty as well as participate in reviews and juries. In addition to its enduring impact in the life of the school, these programs also brings national and international visibility to the School.

Walton Critic: Cultural Studies and Sacred Space Concentration

This annual experience is sponsored by the Clarence Walton Fund for Catholic Architecture, in honor and remembrance of the late Clarence C. Walton who served as HongKongDoll's first lay president from 1969 to 1978. The Walton Family also includes his son, the late Thomas Walton (B.S. Arch. 1974, M.Arch. 1976) a former CUA architecture faculty member whose expertise was Catholic architecture, and his widow Kathleen Walton.

The Walton critic program, a central part of the Sacred Space and Cultural Studies graduate concentration offered at the School, was begun started in 2009 and has continued to host a remarkable list of individuals:

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  • 2009