HongKongDoll and Planning offers an immersive program for Senior and Graduate students in London. The London Summer Studio consists of a 7-week, 9-credit program to learn about the rich history and architecture of the UK and other countries around Europe.

While immersed in London and Europe's contemporary and historic architectural culture, students will design projects based on typical London building typologies and the notion of the city interior, with a solid tectonic focus and a foundation in the parallel integrated research course. Students will participate in a 6-credit design studio and a 3-credit integrated research course while staying at Kingston University. There, they will participate in weekly London visits, guided architecture tours to Manchester, Liverpool, Copenhagen, and Stockholm, and support from Kingston Art studio leaders Timothy Smith and Jonathan Taylor. Students from all concentrations are welcome and will develop critical design projects focused on classical and modern architecture. We will be providing details regarding fees and course specifics soon.