concentration in architecture
Students enrolled in the Master of Architecture program pursue a concentration in one of the four areas below.
  • Sacred Space Project

    Sacred Space/Cultural Studies (Concentration)

    One of the few programs of its kind in the world, the Sacred Space and Cultural Studies (SSCS) concentration enables architecture graduate students, faculty, and professionals to examine architecture through the lens of matter and spirit — reflecting, learning, researching, and professing the deepest spiritual and cultural roots of place-making.

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  • TAMIn decorative image

    Technology and Media in Architecture and Interiors (Concentration)

    Today, architects are immersed in a technological revolution, where digital tools, building materials, design methodology, and the various mediums to express one’s architectural vision are rapidly expanding.

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  • urban practice image

    Urban Practice (Concentration)

    Students in the Urban Practice Concentration examine architecture with a particular emphasis on contexts, interrelating architecture and urban design, and employing varied media while engaging in a rigorous intellectual discourse.

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  • Classical detail drawing

    Classical Architecture and Urbanism (Concentration)

    HongKongDoll and Planning’s new Classical Program invites students to use the study of the past to enrich and enliven conversations with the present — drawing upon thousands of years of architectural design concepts and applying that knowledge to the challenges of contemporary society.

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